Satisfactory Academic Progress
to Maintain Enrollment Eligibility

Authorizing Body:

Student Performance Review Committee

Date Issued:

July 19, 2011 

Last Update:

August 19, 2024

Scope and Applicability:

All medical students


To establish a guideline for time frame for completion of the M.D. degree.

Standard Practice Guideline:

Time Frame for Completion:

The standard time frame for completion of required course work for the M.D. degree at OUWB is four (4) academic years. The maximum number of years allowed for matriculation at the OUWB is six (6) academic years. In the event of extenuating circumstances, such as a call to active military duty, the SPRC may at its discretion choose to extend beyond the above limits.

Required Milestones:

  • Students must complete the M1 and M2 preclinical curriculum in no more than three (3) academic years.
  • Students must take the USMLE Step 1 exam before the start of APM 5.
  • Students are not allowed to sit for Step 1 during APM 5.
  • Students sitting for Step 1 during APM 5 will receive a formal Letter of Reprimand from the Student Performance Review Committee. The reprimand will be noted on the MSPE as unprofessional behavior.
  • An exception period will be offered between the end of APM 5 and June 30th
  • Exceptions can only be approved by the Associate Dean for Preclinical Education and must be based on extraordinary circumstances. 
  • Students cannot start the M3 clerkships unless they have taken Step 1.
  • Students must obtain a passing score on the USMLE Step 1 exam within 12 months of the completion of the M2 year.
  • Students must complete the M3-M4 curriculum in no more than three (3) years after the start of the M3 curriculum.
  • Students who do not sit for Step 1 by June 30th will be enrolled in a Directed Independent Study for a minimum of eight (8) weeks up to the entire fall M3 semester to continue Step 1 preparation, which will be noted in the student's academic record (MSPE).
  • Students enrolled in the Directed Independent Study will remain enrolled in M3 longitudinal courses and will be responsible for all longitudinal course responsibilities as outlined in the syllabi.
  • Students who do not sit for Step 1 by the end of the Directed Independent Study will be referred to the SPRC for action.
  • Students who do not pass the USMLE Step 1 exam on the first attempt must retake it by the end of the semester in which the failing result was reported.

Students will be responsible for assessed tuition per the OUWB Tuition and Scholarship Refund Guidelines.

All requirements of an academic year must be met before a student can be promoted to the next academic year.

It is the student’s responsibility to consult with the OUWB Office of Financial Services to determine the impact of a delay on Financial Aid or Scholarships.

Required Step 2 Milestones:

  • M4 students must take the USMLE STEP 2CK exam by December 31st 
  • Extensions must be approved by the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical Education.
  • Students who do not meet required milestones are subject to review by the Student Performance Review Committee (SPRC).

Depending on clerkship availability the student may be required to sit out the entire semester. The new clerkship track will be assigned at the discretion of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical Education


Satisfactory Academic Progress:
Satisfactory Academic Progress is based on students being actively engaged in the satisfactory completion of all curricular requirements. Students will be considered to be making satisfactory progress while undertaking the remediation or while enrolled in a repeat course or clerkship.

Good Academic Standing:
Satisfactory Academic Progress is not the same as Good Academic Standing. Please see the Good Academic Standing guideline for further information.

Remediation of Grades of Incomplete:
All courses or clerkships in which a student has a grade of “Incomplete” must be remediated before the student can be promoted to the next academic year.

Remediation of Grades of Fail:
Students who have failed a course, clerkship, or elective will be referred to the SPRC for review. Failed courses, clerkships, or electives must be repeated in their entirety.

Financial Aid Eligibility:
Please see the Satisfactory Academic Progress to Maintain Federal Financial Aid Eligibility guidelines for further information.

Policies and Guidelines:

Good Academic Standing

Satisfactory Academic Progress to Maintain Federal Financial Aid Eligibility

Student Performance Review Committee

Tuition and Scholarship Refund

USMLE Step Exam Failures

Authorizing Body:

Student Performance Review Committee

Date Issued:

July 19, 2011 

Last Update:

August 19, 2024

Scope and Applicability:

All medical students


To establish a guideline for time frame for completion of the M.D. degree.

Standard Practice Guideline:

Time Frame for Completion:

The standard time frame for completion of required course work for the M.D. degree at OUWB is four (4) academic years. The maximum number of years allowed for matriculation at the OUWB is six (6) academic years. In the event of extenuating circumstances, such as a call to active military duty, the SPRC may at its discretion choose to extend beyond the above limits.

Required Milestones:

  • Students must complete the M1 and M2 preclinical curriculum in no more than three (3) academic years.
  • Students must take the USMLE Step 1 exam before the start of APM 5.
  • Students are not allowed to sit for Step 1 during APM 5.
  • Students sitting for Step 1 during APM 5 will receive a formal Letter of Reprimand from the Student Performance Review Committee. The reprimand will be noted on the MSPE as unprofessional behavior.
  • An exception period will be offered between the end of APM 5 and June 30th
  • Exceptions can only be approved by the Associate Dean for Preclinical Education and must be based on extraordinary circumstances. 
  • Students cannot start the M3 clerkships unless they have taken Step 1.
  • Students must obtain a passing score on the USMLE Step 1 exam within 12 months of the completion of the M2 year.
  • Students must complete the M3-M4 curriculum in no more than three (3) years after the start of the M3 curriculum.
  • Students who do not sit for Step 1 by June 30th will be enrolled in a Directed Independent Study for a minimum of eight (8) weeks up to the entire fall M3 semester to continue Step 1 preparation, which will be noted in the student's academic record (MSPE).
  • Students enrolled in the Directed Independent Study will remain enrolled in M3 longitudinal courses and will be responsible for all longitudinal course responsibilities as outlined in the syllabi.
  • Students who do not sit for Step 1 by the end of the Directed Independent Study will be referred to the SPRC for action.
  • Students who do not pass the USMLE Step 1 exam on the first attempt must retake it by the end of the semester in which the failing result was reported.

Students will be responsible for assessed tuition per the OUWB Tuition and Scholarship Refund Guidelines.

All requirements of an academic year must be met before a student can be promoted to the next academic year.

It is the student’s responsibility to consult with the OUWB Office of Financial Services to determine the impact of a delay on Financial Aid or Scholarships.

Required Step 2 Milestones:

  • M4 students must take the USMLE STEP 2CK exam by December 31st 
  • Extensions must be approved by the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical Education.
  • Students who do not meet required milestones are subject to review by the Student Performance Review Committee (SPRC).

Depending on clerkship availability the student may be required to sit out the entire semester. The new clerkship track will be assigned at the discretion of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical Education


Satisfactory Academic Progress:
Satisfactory Academic Progress is based on students being actively engaged in the satisfactory completion of all curricular requirements. Students will be considered to be making satisfactory progress while undertaking the remediation or while enrolled in a repeat course or clerkship.

Good Academic Standing:
Satisfactory Academic Progress is not the same as Good Academic Standing. Please see the Good Academic Standing guideline for further information.

Remediation of Grades of Incomplete:
All courses or clerkships in which a student has a grade of “Incomplete” must be remediated before the student can be promoted to the next academic year.

Remediation of Grades of Fail:
Students who have failed a course, clerkship, or elective will be referred to the SPRC for review. Failed courses, clerkships, or electives must be repeated in their entirety.

Financial Aid Eligibility:
Please see the Satisfactory Academic Progress to Maintain Federal Financial Aid Eligibility guidelines for further information.

Policies and Guidelines:

Good Academic Standing

Satisfactory Academic Progress to Maintain Federal Financial Aid Eligibility

Student Performance Review Committee

Tuition and Scholarship Refund

USMLE Step Exam Failures