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Daniel Goble, Ph.D.

Daniel Goble Headshot

Title: Director, Associate Professor - Exercise Science
Coordinator - Exercise Science Graduate Program
Office: 1015 Human Health Building
Phone: (248) 364-8688
Fax: (248) 364-8657
E-mail:  dgoble@oakland.edu

Educational Background: 
Ph.D.; Kinesiology; University of Michigan
MHK; Human Kinetics; University of Windsor
BHK; Human Kinetics; University of Windsor 

Teaching Interests: 
Motor Control/Learning

As a PhD student Dr. Daniel Goble published more than a dozen scientific investigations at the University of Michigan looking at the ability of healthy and disabled individuals to perceive limb position in space (i.e. proprioception). Following his doctoral studies, he received a research fellowship to conduct post-doctoral research on older adults using brain imaging (MRI, fMRI) at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium. In 2012, Dr Goble received his first tenure-track faculty position in the School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences at San Diego State University. During his time there he developed a medical device called the Balance Tracking System (BTrackS). This device is a low-cost, portable force plate for objectively measuring balance with exceptional accuracy. BTrackS has unlimited potential for research in the domains of health and disability. Dr Goble joined the faculty at OU in 2017 and continues his research on BTrackS. This currently includes efforts to improve sports-related concussion diagnosis protocols, enhance fall risk screening in the elderly and track rehabilitation progress in multiple disease conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease, Huntington’s Disease and Stroke.

Professional Affiliations: 
Society for Neuroscience

Personal Interests: 
Sports, Home Renovation, Entrepreneurship, Spending time with family

Personal Website: 