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Teresa Stayer

Teresa Stayer Headshot

BS; Physical Therapy; Oakland University
Assoc.; Liberal Arts; Macomb Community College

Teresa Stayer was the late vice president Spectra Med Inc., a multi-specialty facility inclusive of physical therapy, focusing on hands on techniques of myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, and lymphatic drainage for the relief of pain and restoration of function. She previously served as the director of Rehabilitation Services for North Oakland Medical Center and was a guest lecturer at Oakland University, Beaumont, Sparrow, Botsford, and Providence Hospitals. Stayer received the Oakland University Physical Therapy Professional Recognition Award and was appointed to the OU Alumni Association Board, serving on the Scholarship and Alumni Awards Committee, along with the OU Health and Sciences Visitor Board. In addition, she established the Stayer/Spectra Med Scholarship, which is awarded to two fourth year physical therapy students. Through outstanding engagement and student support, Teresa left an indelible imprint on OU's physical therapy program, the School of Health Sciences and Oakland University as a whole - in recognition, the School of Health Sciences awarded Stayer with the Health Achievement Leadership Legacy (HALL) Award posthumously in 2020.